
MISP 2.4.133 released (major improvements such as the markdown report feature and many UI improvements)

MISP 2.4.133 released with major improvements such as the markdown report feature and many UI improvements. Unstructured/semi-structured report feature MISP is widely known as a powerful tool to gather, correlate and share information.

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Event Report - A convenient mechanism to edit, visualize and share reports

Event Report: A convenient mechanism to edit, visualize and share reports MISP is widely known as a powerful tool to gather, correlate and share information.

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Create an import script for MISP , step-by-step tutorial

Create an import script for MISP in Python, step-by-step tutorial Script description Example Here the goal is to push to MISP information gathered on Github.

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MISP 2.4.132 released (security fix CVE-2020-25766 and bugs fixed)

MISP 2.4.132 released A new version of MISP (2.4.132) has been released with several bugs fixed including an important security fix CVE-2020-25766.

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MISP 2.4.131 released (improvements, bug fixes and major update to JavaScript dependencies)

MISP 2.4.131 released A new version of MISP (2.4.131) has been released with improvements, bug fixes and a major update to JavaScript libraries.

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MISP service monitoring with Cacti

MISP service monitoring with Cacti Introduction A previous post covered how to do MISP service monitoring with OpenNSM. Because having different options is good, this post covers how to achieve similar results with Cacti.

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MISP 2.4.130 released (Various fixes, performance improvements and new features)

MISP 2.4.130 released A new version of MISP (2.4.130) has been released with performance improvements, multiple bugs fixed and new features.

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MISP service monitoring (and a bit of healing) with OpenNMS

MISP service monitoring (and a bit of healing) with OpenNMS Introduction: Many organisations adore how quick and easy MISP can be set up.

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Creating a MISP Galaxy, 101

MISP Galaxies MISP Galaxies and Clusters are an easy way to add context to data. Compared to the relatively simple concept of tags and taxonomies, they allow you to add more complex data structures.

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Publishing open data from MISP

Publish data on Open data portals with MISP The Open data format Open data defines the idea of making some data freely available for everyone to use with a possibility of redistribution in any form.

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MISP 2.4.129 released (merge event improved, event block rule system, security fixes and many bugs fixed)

MISP 2.4.129 released A new version of MISP (2.4.129) has been released with an improved merge functionality, a new event block rule system, many security fixes and bugs fixed.

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MISP 2.4.128 released (STIX import/export refactored release edition)

MISP 2.4.128 released A new version of MISP (2.4.128) has been released with a significant refactoring of the STIX import/export along with many improvements and bugs fixed.

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MISP 2.4.127 released (decay updates release edition)

MISP 2.4.127 released A new version of MISP (2.4.127) has been released with an improved version of attributes decaying, new set of widgets, many improvements and bugs fixed.

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MISP 2.4.126 released (Spring release edition)

MISP 2.4.126 released A new version of MISP (2.4.126) has been released a while ago, though we have forgotten to publish a blog post about it - thanks to @coolacid for the reminder.

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MISP 2.4.125 released (aka self-registration feature and feed improvements release)

MISP 2.4.125 released A new version of MISP (2.4.125) has been released. This version includes various improvements including a major refactoring of the feed system, the addition of OTP, a new inbox system to allow for self-registration, sightings in the timeline visualisation and many more improvements.

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MISP 2.4.124 released (aka the dashboard, auditing improvements)

MISP 2.4.124 released A new version of MISP (2.4.124) has been released. This version includes various improvements including a new multiline widgets in the dashboard, auditing improvements and many bugs fixed.

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Cogsec Collab MISP Community - sharing group dedicated to misinformation and information campaigns

We’re proud to announce the CogSec Collab MISP Community - the first public MISP sharing group dedicated to misinformation and information campaigns.

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MISP 2.4.123 released (aka the dashboard and security fix release)

MISP 2.4.123 released A new version of MISP (2.4.123) has been released. This version includes various security related fixed, and a new Dashboard system.

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MISP 2.4.122 released (aka the bug fix release)

MISP 2.4.122 released A new version of MISP (2.4.122) has been released. This version includes various fixes, minor new features and improvements.

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MISP 2.4.121 released (aka the security release)

MISP 2.4.121 released A new version of MISP (2.4.121) has been released. This version is a security/bug fix release and users are highly encouraged to update as soon as possible.

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