MISP contributors per repository


adulau Rafiot iglocska SteveClement cvandeplas rommelfs mokaddem gallypette Delta-Sierra chrisr3d FloatingGhost elhoim deralexxx cudeso RichieB2B eCrimeLabs StefanKelm raw-data droe SHSauler zaphodef truckydev tomking2 rmarsollier kx499 davidonzo c-goes bartblaze ater49 Kortho 3c7 wotschel wllm-rbnt wesinator treyka remg427 ninoseki netjinho nbareil michael-hamm haegardev hackunagi garanews edhoedt circlsupportuser cgi1 cedricbonhomme Vincent-CIRCL TheDr1ver Terrtia P4rs3R CheYenBzh 8ear yaleman wagner-certat tweemeterjop tsgsecops tk-hendrik squioc sim0nx rotanid robertnixon2003 obert01 mlodic makflwana liviuvalsan kalyparker kajogo777 juju4 juancmontes iwitz gizolka gitter-badger github-pba gbossert devnull- deresz deloittem dawid-czarnecki dadokkio chrisdoman charly077 arnydo ancailliau aaronkaplan VVX7 Sh3idan NoDataFound Maijin Lastpixl FafnerKeyZee Deventual Aks6193 0xtf 0xiso zrush-mitre zoomequipd zachsis yodresh yannw xme xbmc-goph winklerrr willurbanski weslambert wasserman vulnersCom vpiserchia vondrakkdt vondrakk ventz urbanski treed593 tom564 thomaspatzke thomai thisismyrobot terrymacdonald swedishmike surbo strikaco stricaud stmtstk stinnux sthagen stevepeak stephengroat steffenenders stamparm spacepatcher smsiebe sfossen sebix seamustuohy sch3m4 sbrom samcornwell saadkadhi ruiwen rpiazza rooterkyberian robincover rmkml rgraf rayenmessaoudi r0ny123 pugilist pstirparo ppanero plutec philpraxis pettai peasead pe3zx patriziotufarolo panzertime paalbra ostefano nyx0 nullprobe noud norpol nikofil neok0 mushishi78 mtday moshemal moshekaplan morallo molnarg mogods mneumegen mkb2091 milankowww michael-kerscher mhpchaves meggnas mdtro mback2k matt-saunders marcredhat marcnil815 m3047 m0jtaba lucamemini liedekef lhirlimann ldelavaissiere lctrcl lcpdn l3m0ntr33 kx1499 kralca kovacsbalu korrosivesec koike koenigswinter kirzaks khdesai kfaber kevthehermit keram79 kara-1234 kallix jurg jonas-koeritz johestephan jmlynch jmgnc jfrocha jezkerwin jeromeleonard jbrouault jbremer jbarlow-mcafee jarkovar jaccol itATcsirtamericasDOTorg ismasma infosec-intern ilyaglow ics iceone23 ibakatsis hibouu hellekin haxpak hannahshort gtback grolinet gl4ssiest georgschoelly gekkeharry13 geertdr geekscrapy g7 frankintrahouse fraduction fossabot focheur91300 flmsc file-not-found fhightower felixpk far-light eurodude eu-pi emmanvg eloydegen elegantmoose ebouillon ealtintas e3rd dvas0004 dmaciejak dlee35 didelphodon dharshanduck dewiestr dependabot[bot] davidep dasfreak danielplohmann dalton dak-csis d3sre d-lord cryptba1 crondaemon cristianbell crford couchuser12345 coolacid cocaman clenk claudex cipherlock chkp-aliaksandrt chisholm chinguyen1 ch0mler certbe-trey cbboggs caschnee capile bradh botherder blaverick62 birdy42 bernhl bernhardreiter benoitsevens bemre befrankt b0oml axpatito attritionorg atluxity aparriel anthrosepology ankhler andreybolonin andir ahuan-gdms agent334 ag-michael admin-cdn1cloud acsc-davidg abulhol YacineKhamis Xen0ph0n WaryWolf Wachizungu VincentFalc TrickByte The-Alchemist Th4nat0s SwitHak Starow Shortfinga SherifEldeeb RuneBergh Rogdham RicoVZ RaphaelOtto PeterNotenboom PaulSec PaoloVecchi Oxeeql Nedfire2347 Miroka96 MichaelDwucet Mezzonian MattCarothers LiamSennitt KennethAdamMiller Kafeine JanSkalny JakubOnderka ITAYC0HEN I-am-Sherlocked Feandil F3N0B1 Evert0x DragonDev1906 DigitalLeukocyte CodeLineFi-admin CERT-Bund-CB C00l-Aid7 Brueggus BenDrysdale Applenice ANSSI-BSOD 9b 4ekin 2xyo 0xmilkmix 0xThiebaut

Top contributors per commit

iglocska adulau Rafiot mokaddem chrisr3d SteveClement Delta-Sierra cvandeplas noud FloatingGhost emmanvg clenk rotanid RichieB2B rommelfs gtback felixpk StefanKelm JakubOnderka 0xtf cedricbonhomme chisholm elegantmoose kralca deralexxx khdesai rpiazza elhoim Th4nat0s cudeso ater49 sfossen zaphodef raw-data cristianbell VincentFalc Kafeine 8ear 3c7 rmkml 4ekin Aks6193 eCrimeLabs robertnixon2003 iwitz VVX7 truckydev haxpak gallypette deresz Vincent-CIRCL SHSauler tomking2 devnull- michael-hamm jezkerwin Deventual deloittem r0ny123 danielplohmann blaverick62 aaronkaplan xme obert01 charly077 rmarsollier pettai juancmontes c-goes Xen0ph0n ppanero kx499 garanews davidonzo capile PeterNotenboom hibouu droe TheDr1ver Terrtia yaleman treyka bartblaze seamustuohy nbareil kalyparker edhoedt claudex circlsupportuser Kortho FafnerKeyZee zrush-mitre wagner-certat terrymacdonald kallix ics PaoloVecchi P4rs3R I-am-Sherlocked wllm-rbnt thisismyrobot nyx0 mback2k arnydo DigitalLeukocyte stricaud stevepeak robincover ninoseki netjinho makflwana ebouillon cgi1 botherder andir yannw squioc sim0nx pugilist moshemal lucamemini liviuvalsan johestephan gbossert dawid-czarnecki caschnee WaryWolf CheYenBzh xbmc-goph wesinator neok0 mushishi78 meggnas matt-saunders lctrcl jbarlow-mcafee gizolka georgschoelly fraduction dalton chrisdoman chinguyen1 acsc-davidg RicoVZ PaulSec Lastpixl JanSkalny Feandil 0xiso tk-hendrik stinnux sthagen samcornwell plutec panzertime moshekaplan milankowww liedekef juju4 jfrocha jeromeleonard jbremer haegardev geekscrapy cocaman chkp-aliaksandrt birdy42 bernhl axpatito anthrosepology Rogdham NoDataFound MichaelDwucet MattCarothers LiamSennitt CodeLineFi-admin C00l-Aid7 9b zoomequipd yodresh wotschel tweemeterjop tsgsecops tom564 thomaspatzke thomai steffenenders smsiebe saadkadhi rooterkyberian rgraf remg427 nikofil mtday molnarg mneumegen mlodic michael-kerscher marcnil815 ldelavaissiere kovacsbalu jonas-koeritz itATcsirtamericasDOTorg ilyaglow hackunagi grolinet github-pba file-not-found eu-pi dmaciejak dlee35 dharshanduck dasfreak dadokkio coolacid cipherlock certbe-trey aparriel ancailliau TrickByte SwitHak SherifEldeeb RaphaelOtto Maijin Evert0x ANSSI-BSOD winklerrr willurbanski weslambert vulnersCom vpiserchia vondrakkdt vondrakk urbanski swedishmike surbo stmtstk stamparm spacepatcher sebix sch3m4 sbrom rayenmessaoudi pstirparo philpraxis pe3zx paalbra ostefano morallo mkb2091 mhpchaves marcredhat m3047 m0jtaba l3m0ntr33 kx1499 koike kfaber kevthehermit kajogo777 jmlynch jmgnc jbrouault jarkovar jaccol ismasma infosec-intern iceone23 ibakatsis hellekin hannahshort gl4ssiest gitter-badger gekkeharry13 frankintrahouse fossabot focheur91300 flmsc fhightower far-light eloydegen e3rd dvas0004 didelphodon davidep d3sre d-lord crondaemon ch0mler cbboggs bradh bernhardreiter benoitsevens befrankt b0oml attritionorg ankhler ahuan-gdms agent334 ag-michael admin-cdn1cloud YacineKhamis Wachizungu The-Alchemist Starow Shortfinga Sh3idan RuneBergh Oxeeql Miroka96 Mezzonian KennethAdamMiller ITAYC0HEN F3N0B1 DragonDev1906 CERT-Bund-CB Brueggus Applenice 2xyo 0xmilkmix 0xThiebaut


The repository MISP is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
iglocska 4596.0
chrisr3d 1003.0
mokaddem 957.0
adulau 632.0
SteveClement 578.0
noud 414.0
cvandeplas 374.0
Rafiot 239.0
rotanid 225.0
RichieB2B 203.0
JakubOnderka 113.0
StefanKelm 78.0
FloatingGhost 45.0
sfossen 33.0
cristianbell 30.0
4ekin 27.0
zaphodef 25.0
iwitz 21.0
elhoim 20.0
deresz 20.0
deralexxx 18.0
truckydev 17.0
jezkerwin 17.0
cedricbonhomme 15.0
Deventual 14.0
pettai 13.0
obert01 13.0
devnull- 13.0
Xen0ph0n 13.0
ppanero 12.0
capile 12.0
Aks6193 12.0
juancmontes 10.0
kallix 8.0
ics 8.0
deloittem 8.0
PaoloVecchi 8.0
I-am-Sherlocked 8.0
garanews 7.0
eCrimeLabs 7.0
FafnerKeyZee 7.0
stevepeak 6.0
andir 6.0
treyka 5.0
tomking2 5.0
pugilist 5.0
lucamemini 5.0
cudeso 5.0
WaryWolf 5.0
SHSauler 5.0
edhoedt 4.0
dawid-czarnecki 4.0
ater49 4.0
JanSkalny 4.0
3c7 4.0
wllm-rbnt 3.0
stinnux 3.0
squioc 3.0
rommelfs 3.0
panzertime 3.0
moshekaplan 3.0
milankowww 3.0
liviuvalsan 3.0
liedekef 3.0
jeromeleonard 3.0
davidonzo 3.0
chkp-aliaksandrt 3.0
birdy42 3.0
axpatito 3.0
aaronkaplan 3.0
TheDr1ver 3.0
P4rs3R 3.0
MattCarothers 3.0
Lastpixl 3.0
Kortho 3.0
Delta-Sierra 3.0
8ear 3.0
0xiso 3.0
tom564 2.0
tk-hendrik 2.0
thomai 2.0
sim0nx 2.0
rmarsollier 2.0
nikofil 2.0
netjinho 2.0
molnarg 2.0
ldelavaissiere 2.0
kalyparker 2.0
juju4 2.0
jonas-koeritz 2.0
droe 2.0
dmaciejak 2.0
certbe-trey 2.0
CheYenBzh 2.0
willurbanski 1.0
vpiserchia 1.0
tweemeterjop 1.0
mhpchaves 1.0
ag-michael 1.0
RuneBergh 1.0


The repository MISP-STIX-Converter is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
FloatingGhost 117.0
Rafiot 17.0
davidonzo 6.0
tomking2 1.0
adulau 1.0
RichieB2B 1.0


The repository MISP-Taxii-Server is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
FloatingGhost 102.0
SHSauler 5.0
davidonzo 2.0
RichieB2B 2.0
gekkeharry13 1.0


The repository MISP-maltego is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
cvandeplas 79.0
ebouillon 6.0
elhoim 1.0


The repository MISP-presentations is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 5.0
iglocska 1.0
elhoim 1.0


The repository MISP-sizer is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
philpraxis 1.0
adulau 1.0


The repository MISPego is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
tomking2 3.0
deresz 1.0


The repository PyIntel471 is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
Rafiot 6.0


The repository PyMISP is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
Rafiot 912.0
adulau 56.0
Delta-Sierra 44.0
mokaddem 30.0
VincentFalc 30.0
FloatingGhost 24.0
iglocska 23.0
cudeso 20.0
cvandeplas 14.0
tomking2 11.0
deralexxx 10.0
RichieB2B 10.0
SteveClement 9.0
3c7 8.0
mback2k 7.0
TheDr1ver 7.0
nbareil 5.0
wagner-certat 4.0
garanews 4.0
c-goes 4.0
PaulSec 4.0
sthagen 3.0
sim0nx 3.0
rmarsollier 3.0
raw-data 3.0
plutec 3.0
netjinho 3.0
jbremer 3.0
chrisr3d 3.0
bernhl 3.0
Deventual 3.0
squioc 2.0
rommelfs 2.0
kovacsbalu 2.0
grolinet 2.0
edhoedt 2.0
cipherlock 2.0
cgi1 2.0
aparriel 2.0
SHSauler 2.0
CheYenBzh 2.0
zaphodef 1.0
winklerrr 1.0
weslambert 1.0
urbanski 1.0
truckydev 1.0
stamparm 1.0
spacepatcher 1.0
sebix 1.0
paalbra 1.0
mlodic 1.0
l3m0ntr33 1.0
kfaber 1.0
kevthehermit 1.0
kajogo777 1.0
juju4 1.0
jaccol 1.0
infosec-intern 1.0
hackunagi 1.0
github-pba 1.0
gbossert 1.0
gallypette 1.0
didelphodon 1.0
dawid-czarnecki 1.0
dadokkio 1.0
ater49 1.0
ankhler 1.0
ancailliau 1.0
YacineKhamis 1.0
Wachizungu 1.0
Starow 1.0
Shortfinga 1.0
Lastpixl 1.0
KennethAdamMiller 1.0
DragonDev1906 1.0
0xiso 1.0
0xThiebaut 1.0


The repository PyMISPGalaxies is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
Rafiot 71.0
cvandeplas 2.0
adulau 1.0


The repository PyMISPWarningLists is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
Rafiot 31.0
ilyaglow 2.0
cudeso 1.0
adulau 1.0


The repository PyTaxonomies is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
Rafiot 92.0
adulau 1.0


The repository SimpleQueue is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
Rafiot 36.0


The repository ansible is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
deloittem 8.0
yaleman 1.0


The repository best-practices-in-threat-intelligence is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 8.0
rommelfs 5.0
neok0 4.0
SteveClement 4.0
iglocska 1.0
Delta-Sierra 1.0


The repository cti-toolkit is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
kralca 58.0
terrymacdonald 8.0
thisismyrobot 7.0
acsc-davidg 4.0


The repository data-processing is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
Rafiot 18.0


The repository docker-misp is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
matt-saunders 4.0
jbarlow-mcafee 4.0


The repository intelligence-icons is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 11.0
cvandeplas 8.0
fraduction 4.0


The repository mail_to_misp is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
rommelfs 124.0
Rafiot 60.0
SteveClement 4.0
jmlynch 1.0


The repository mail_to_misp_test is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
Rafiot 4.0


The repository misp-bloomfilter is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 3.0


The repository misp-book is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 129.0
SteveClement 86.0
Delta-Sierra 40.0
iglocska 30.0
deralexxx 20.0
rommelfs 15.0
hibouu 11.0
elhoim 11.0
kalyparker 7.0
cvandeplas 6.0
8ear 6.0
caschnee 5.0
StefanKelm 5.0
dalton 4.0
chinguyen1 4.0
Rafiot 4.0
ninoseki 3.0
juancmontes 3.0
gizolka 3.0
C00l-Aid7 3.0
tsgsecops 2.0
dharshanduck 2.0
wotschel 1.0
morallo 1.0
michael-hamm 1.0
makflwana 1.0
jbrouault 1.0
jarkovar 1.0
hannahshort 1.0
frankintrahouse 1.0
fhightower 1.0
droe 1.0
davidep 1.0
chrisr3d 1.0
cbboggs 1.0
bernhardreiter 1.0
befrankt 1.0
ancailliau 1.0
admin-cdn1cloud 1.0
SHSauler 1.0
Brueggus 1.0


The repository misp-bump is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
felixpk 128.0
dasfreak 2.0


The repository misp-cloud is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
0xtf 113.0
RichieB2B 4.0
gitter-badger 1.0


The repository misp-compliance is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 31.0
circlsupportuser 6.0
remg427 1.0
haegardev 1.0


The repository misp-darwin is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 2.0


The repository misp-dashboard is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
mokaddem 382.0
SteveClement 48.0
VVX7 19.0
adulau 9.0
SHSauler 8.0
P4rs3R 4.0
Kortho 3.0
gallypette 2.0
cudeso 2.0
rommelfs 1.0
iglocska 1.0
hellekin 1.0
cvandeplas 1.0


The repository misp-decaying-models is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
mokaddem 5.0
adulau 1.0


The repository misp-docker is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
xme 14.0
yaleman 9.0
arnydo 7.0
moshemal 5.0
dlee35 2.0
coolacid 2.0
TrickByte 2.0
SteveClement 2.0
SherifEldeeb 2.0
swedishmike 1.0
pe3zx 1.0
marcredhat 1.0
gl4ssiest 1.0
focheur91300 1.0
far-light 1.0
dvas0004 1.0
The-Alchemist 1.0
Oxeeql 1.0
Miroka96 1.0
Kortho 1.0


The repository misp-galaxy is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
Delta-Sierra 593.0
adulau 392.0
cvandeplas 46.0
Th4nat0s 44.0
Rafiot 31.0
Kafeine 30.0
StefanKelm 29.0
rmkml 28.0
raw-data 16.0
r0ny123 15.0
danielplohmann 15.0
3c7 15.0
iglocska 10.0
mokaddem 9.0
nyx0 7.0
botherder 6.0
bartblaze 6.0
wagner-certat 4.0
gallypette 4.0
eCrimeLabs 4.0
chrisdoman 3.0
VVX7 3.0
steffenenders 2.0
elhoim 2.0
sbrom 1.0
rotanid 1.0
netjinho 1.0
koike 1.0
ismasma 1.0
haegardev 1.0
hackunagi 1.0
droe 1.0
dadokkio 1.0
benoitsevens 1.0
Terrtia 1.0
SteveClement 1.0
CERT-Bund-CB 1.0


The repository misp-graph is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 8.0
NoDataFound 2.0
sch3m4 1.0


The repository misp-modules is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
chrisr3d 318.0
adulau 171.0
Rafiot 140.0
FloatingGhost 39.0
SteveClement 25.0
8ear 20.0
rommelfs 19.0
cvandeplas 15.0
blaverick62 15.0
iglocska 13.0
Vincent-CIRCL 13.0
aaronkaplan 12.0
seamustuohy 9.0
cudeso 7.0
kx499 5.0
johestephan 5.0
zaphodef 4.0
lctrcl 4.0
georgschoelly 4.0
RicoVZ 4.0
robertnixon2003 3.0
Rogdham 3.0
CodeLineFi-admin 3.0
9b 3.0
rmarsollier 2.0
rgraf 2.0
deralexxx 2.0
RichieB2B 2.0
Kortho 2.0
FafnerKeyZee 2.0
Evert0x 2.0
wesinator 1.0
vulnersCom 1.0
vondrakkdt 1.0
vondrakk 1.0
truckydev 1.0
treyka 1.0
surbo 1.0
ostefano 1.0
ninoseki 1.0
m3047 1.0
iwitz 1.0
iceone23 1.0
fossabot 1.0
eCrimeLabs 1.0
davidonzo 1.0
chrisdoman 1.0
ch0mler 1.0
cgi1 1.0
attritionorg 1.0
TheDr1ver 1.0
StefanKelm 1.0
P4rs3R 1.0
CheYenBzh 1.0
0xmilkmix 1.0


The repository misp-noticelist is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 6.0
iglocska 3.0
circlsupportuser 1.0


The repository misp-objects is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 387.0
Rafiot 67.0
chrisr3d 49.0
Delta-Sierra 36.0
haxpak 21.0
Aks6193 14.0
rommelfs 11.0
ater49 10.0
iglocska 8.0
cvandeplas 8.0
c-goes 8.0
DigitalLeukocyte 7.0
kx499 4.0
geekscrapy 3.0
gallypette 3.0
eCrimeLabs 3.0
cocaman 3.0
zoomequipd 2.0
zaphodef 2.0
yodresh 2.0
truckydev 2.0
thomaspatzke 2.0
saadkadhi 2.0
mtday 2.0
michael-kerscher 2.0
marcnil815 2.0
file-not-found 2.0
deralexxx 2.0
Terrtia 2.0
SteveClement 2.0
StefanKelm 2.0
tk-hendrik 1.0
mokaddem 1.0
kx1499 1.0
garanews 1.0
d-lord 1.0
ahuan-gdms 1.0
Sh3idan 1.0


The repository misp-packer is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
SteveClement 135.0
cedricbonhomme 29.0
chrisr3d 8.0
Rafiot 5.0
gallypette 3.0
adulau 2.0
iglocska 1.0


The repository misp-privacy-aware-exchange is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
charly077 11.0
adulau 1.0


The repository misp-rfc is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 190.0
Delta-Sierra 29.0
iglocska 12.0
stricaud 6.0
mokaddem 4.0
cvandeplas 4.0
FloatingGhost 3.0
nbareil 2.0
Rafiot 1.0


The repository misp-search is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 2.0


The repository misp-sighting-server is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 2.0
iglocska 1.0


The repository misp-sighting-tools is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 3.0
haegardev 1.0


The repository misp-standard.org is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 21.0
iglocska 7.0


The repository misp-takedown is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
rommelfs 9.0
iglocska 1.0
adulau 1.0


The repository misp-taxonomies is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 391.0
Rafiot 57.0
Delta-Sierra 36.0
michael-hamm 14.0
iglocska 13.0
mokaddem 8.0
cvandeplas 8.0
Vincent-CIRCL 8.0
Terrtia 8.0
raw-data 7.0
FloatingGhost 6.0
yannw 5.0
makflwana 5.0
gallypette 5.0
droe 5.0
meggnas 4.0
gbossert 4.0
deralexxx 4.0
jfrocha 3.0
MichaelDwucet 3.0
smsiebe 2.0
itATcsirtamericasDOTorg 2.0
eu-pi 2.0
eCrimeLabs 2.0
circlsupportuser 2.0
SwitHak 2.0
RaphaelOtto 2.0
wesinator 1.0
tweemeterjop 1.0
rommelfs 1.0
remg427 1.0
pstirparo 1.0
ibakatsis 1.0
flmsc 1.0
d3sre 1.0
bradh 1.0
bartblaze 1.0
agent334 1.0
RichieB2B 1.0
Mezzonian 1.0
F3N0B1 1.0
2xyo 1.0


The repository misp-training is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 96.0
iglocska 22.0
mokaddem 20.0
Rafiot 4.0
anthrosepology 3.0
cudeso 2.0
chrisr3d 2.0
gallypette 1.0
Applenice 1.0


The repository misp-vagrant is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
cedricbonhomme 49.0
adulau 4.0
ninoseki 2.0
rayenmessaoudi 1.0
iglocska 1.0
SteveClement 1.0


The repository misp-warninglists is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 89.0
ater49 20.0
robertnixon2003 19.0
Rafiot 16.0
iglocska 9.0
claudex 9.0
SteveClement 9.0
eCrimeLabs 8.0
devnull- 7.0
rmarsollier 6.0
raw-data 6.0
elhoim 6.0
StefanKelm 6.0
xbmc-goph 4.0
Feandil 4.0
wllm-rbnt 3.0
kx499 3.0
cgi1 3.0
bartblaze 3.0
wesinator 2.0
nbareil 2.0
michael-hamm 2.0
liviuvalsan 2.0
gallypette 2.0
droe 2.0
Delta-Sierra 2.0
wotschel 1.0
obert01 1.0
mlodic 1.0
mkb2091 1.0
gizolka 1.0
github-pba 1.0
e3rd 1.0
cvandeplas 1.0
crondaemon 1.0
c-goes 1.0
b0oml 1.0
Maijin 1.0


The repository misp-website is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
adulau 831.0
iglocska 76.0
cvandeplas 13.0
Rafiot 13.0
rommelfs 12.0
SteveClement 7.0
mushishi78 4.0
mokaddem 4.0
elhoim 3.0
mneumegen 2.0
deralexxx 2.0
eloydegen 1.0
Maijin 1.0


The repository misp-workbench is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
Rafiot 61.0
FloatingGhost 2.0
wllm-rbnt 1.0
cudeso 1.0


The repository pdf_fonts is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
Rafiot 2.0


The repository pypraware is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
charly077 3.0


The repository threat-intelligence-browser is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
mokaddem 3.0
NoDataFound 1.0


The repository yara-exporter is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
3c7 2.0


The repository yara-misp is part of the MISP project and has the following top contributors

username total commits
edhoedt 3.0