
Training Video - MISP Workflow

MISP Training Video December Edition - Workflow

MISP has been a widely used open source CTI platform for the past decade, with a long list of tools that allow users to customise the data models and contextualisation of the platform, yet true customisation of the actual workflows and processes had to be done externally using custom scripts.

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MISP 2.4.166 released with many improvements, bugs fixed and security fixes.

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MISP v2.4.166 with new features and fixes, including two critical security fixes.

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MISP 2.4.165 released with many improvements, bugs fixed and security fixes.

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MISP v2.4.165 with many improvements to the workflow subsystem along with various performance improvements.

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Curate events with an organisation confidence level

Quality of threat intelligence

When you receive threat intelligence from different sources you quickly realise there is a big difference in the quality of the received information. Where some organisations go to great length to ensure their events are accurate, complete and contextualised, other organisations use different standards. Some of these differences are caused by particular use cases but can also be caused by human errors or maturity growing pains. Regardless of what’s causing these differences, as a consumer, it costs time to wade through events and manually curate them.

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SACTI - Secure aggregation of cyber threat intelligence

SACTI: Secure aggregation of cyber threat intelligence


Communities can share cyber threat intelligence on platforms, such as MISP. In the H2020 project Prometheus TNO has developed a way to securely aggregate cyber threat intelligence and publish the result on MISP.

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MISP 2.4.164 released with new tag relationship feature, improvements and a security fix

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MISP v2.4.164 with a new tag relationship features, many improvements and a security fix.

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MISP 2.4.163 released with improved periodic notification system and many improvements

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MISP v2.4.163 with an updated periodic notification system and many improvements.

Updated periodic notification system

  • A new option has been added to set the number of days for the trending calculation.
  • New correlation are now showed in the periodic notification.
  • Only the top 10 MITRE ATT&CK techniques are displayed and sorted by number of occurrences.
  • Layout has been improved in the UI and also in the static email rendering.
  • Only show data in the chart for tags having changes over time.

For more information, check out the Periodic summaries - Visualize summaries of MISP data blog.

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MISP 2.4.162 released with a new periodic notification system, workflow updates and many improvements

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MISP v2.4.162 with a new periodic notification system, workflow updates and many improvements.

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MISP Guard

Let’s say that by no means should an attribute of type passport-number leave your MISP instance. Aside from the analyst following best practices when encoding the data, MISP does not have a built-in mechanism to prevent these leaks to happen, but now you can achieve this by using a third-party tool called misp-guard.

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Periodic summaries - Visualize summaries of MISP data

Periodic summaries - Visualize summaries of MISP data

As of version 2.4.162, MISP includes a periodic summary feature allowing users to consult a summary based on a requested time-frame for data the user has access to.

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MISP 2.4.161 released with small improvements and bugs fixed

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MISP v2.4.161.

Small improvements

  • A new option added to log the last API request of an API key. (Thanks to Tom King for the contribution)
  • Overcorrelation features have some new improvements such as:
    • A new tool to generate occurrence counts (real numbers this time)
    • A hook to truncate the over-correlating value table on recorrelation
    • We no longer store the partial counts as occurrences when generating correlations
  • Performance improvements in event fetching
  • Various performance tuning in the new correlation engine including the full recorrelation

Bugs fixed

  • tlp:amber+strict and tlp:clear are now valid tags
  • [stix2 import] Better external_references parsing for attack patterns objects

Thanks to all the contributors and users reporting bugs to make the software better.

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MISP 2.4.160 released with new workflow feature, new correlation engines and many major improvements

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MISP v2.4.160. With the August summer-holiday season kicking into high gear, we have a very special release for you all, containing a long list of major new features, improvements and general quality of life improvements.

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MISP web scraper

MISP web scraper

There are a lot of websites that regularly publish reports on new threats, campaigns or actors with useful indicators, references and context information. Unfortunately only a few publish information in an easily accessible and structured format, such as a MISP-feed. As a result, we often find ourself manually scraping these sites, and then copy-pasting this information in new MISP events. These tedious tasks are time-consuming and certainly not the most interesting aspect of CTI-work.

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MISP 2.4.159 released with many improvements including performance

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MISP v2.4.159. This releases includes many improvements, bug fixes and improvements concerning performance on large datasets.

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MISP 2.4.158 security fix and general improvement release

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MISP v2.4.158. This release includes a series of security fixes and as such we highly encourage everyone to update to this version as soon as possible.

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MISP 2.4.157 released including some usability fixes following the large changes of 2.4.156 along with some improvements

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MISP v2.4.157, following a series of bug fixes as a quick follow up to 2.4.156.

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MISP 2.4.156 released including a new synchronisation event signing mechanism and many new features

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MISP v2.4.156 - a release bringing several new features and fixes two critical vulnerabilities. We highly encourage everyone to update to this version as soon as possible.

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MISP 2.4.155 - quick bugfix release

This release is a rapid follow up to v2.4.154, addressing several rather annoying issues


  • Various bugfixes to the sharing group blueprint system (especially to it being more restrictive than intended)
  • Updating the DB schema to avoid the diagnostics complaining
  • Fixed an issue with organisation meta fields defaulting to null rather than ’’ (causing the blueprint issue mentioned above)
  • Rework of the DB schema dumper
  • Fixes to the Kali Linux installer


We would like to thank all the contributors, reporters and users who have helped us in the past months to improve MISP and information sharing at large. This release includes multiple updates in misp-objects, misp-taxonomies and misp-galaxy.

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MISP 2.4.154 released including tools for managing rapidly changing communities

MISP 2.4.154 released with a host of new features and fixes, including some new tools that help us navigate the current geo-political landscape when sharing information.

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MISP 2.4.153 released with improvements and bugs fixes

MISP 2.4.153 released

  • MISP UI translation in Thai added.
  • Improved the debugging of the synchronisation, including more meaningful messages in debug logs.
  • Significant improvements in the misp-stix library, to support additional import coverage of files along with improvements to the STIX export.
  • Improved debugging in the TLS handshake for synchronisation.
  • Additional CLI tests for security.
  • Markdown-IT library updated to the latest version, including security fixes to version 12.3.2.
  • Improvements in the various MISP install scripts.

Many internal improvements and bug fixes.

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